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Hackathon training programs are designed to help learners build the necessary skills relevant to a project, department, or organization.


Participate in competitive hackathon & collaborate with individuals to productize ideas


Brainstorm ideas and develop prototypes to efficiently solve problems


Collaborate with like minded learners & network with domain experts

The programs typically are provided with instructions on topics related to hackathon participation which includes:

Technical Skills

Relevant coding languages, software tools and hardware devices

Design Thinking

Emphasizes on collaboration and iterative prototyping to solve problems

Presentation Skills

Improve public speaking skills for effective presentations.


Collaborative events, to work closely with teams to achieve goals

Time Management

Time management skills to help meet deadlines


Allowing learners to connect with experienced subject experts and clarify any doubts

Stages of Hackathon

Project Outset

Designing concept & theme of Hackathon in alignment with company’s vision, ideologies and goals.

Participant Engagement

We prepare a network channel to attract profiles for the event.

Introductory Phase

Learners are introduced to the theme & problem statement of the Hackathon.

Prototyping Phase

Learners collaborate as teams, work on ideas & are guided by mentors to arrive at the final solution.

Pitching Phase

Teams will pitch their ideas to impress the panelists.


Ideas presented will be judged on relevant criteria to decide on a winner

Winner Announcement

Winners will be announced after a thorough analysis by the panelists


The key focus is to ensure new employees become productive and project-ready in a shorter time frame. The program is tailored to support transition from college to the corporate environment for all graduates.


Team Work

Problem Solving

Decision Making

Digital Transformation

A buzzword that everyone seems to be talking about these days. Essentially, this involves adopting new digital practices to improve efficiency and stay current with market demands.


Digital Transformation is built on six pillars: experience, people, change, innovation, leadership, and culture.


Training helps organizations develop a data-driven approach to decision-making, gaining insights into customer behavior and business performance.


Includes digital strategy development, innovation management, data analytics, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity.

Experiential Learning

The programs are designed to encourage individuals take on an active role in their learning process. Interactive, engaging, and challenging, a highly effective approach providing learners with opportunities to develop their problem-solving, decision-making, and interpersonal skills.


